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More and more poker players in Greece are seeking tactics and strategies in order to become a more confident and profitable players. In the list below, are mentioned some tips that will help a poker player to improve his strategies whether he plays tournaments, cash games, in live poker clubs or online.

Play Fewer Hands and Play Them Aggressively

There is a limit on how many starting hands you can play before the flop in No Limit Texas Hold’em, even for the world’s best players. If you try to play too many hands, you’ll bleed away your chip stack (unless lady luck is on your side). Developing a solid preflop poker strategy is by far the easiest and fastest way to improve your bottom line. However, while developing solid preflop ranges is relatively easy to do (like by downloading our free preflop charts) having the discipline to stick to them is difficult. Don’t allow yourself to get impatient and play a hand not worth playing.

Don’t Be The First Player To Limp

Limping (just calling the big blind preflop) is an absolute no-no as the first player to enter a pot. There are two main reasons why this play should be avoided:

  1. You can’t win the pot before the flop like you could if you raised.
  2. You give the players behind very enticing pot odds, making it more likely you face multiple players and thus less likely you win the pot.

Semi-Bluff Aggressively with Your Draws

If you want to truly crush poker, you need to bluff effectively. But bluffing ineffectively is one of the fastest ways to lose your money at the table. So, how do you keep your bluffing frequency under control? The most effective way to bluff is to let the cards you have dictate if you are going to bluff or not. This means bluffing with hands that have outs to improve to the best hand on a later street, such as straight draws, flush draws, or even just an over card or two to the board.

Think of these draws as your backup plan in case your bluff gets called.

Fast-Play Your Strong Hands to Build the Pot and Make More Money

It’s a sad sight when a player checks their flopped nut flush three times, and then has to awkwardly table their monster of a poker hand when their opponent checks back the river. Slow playing too often is a mistake common among players who are afraid of chasing their opponents out of the pot when they have strong poker hands.

Defend Your Big Blind (with the Right Hands)

The big blind is a special position because you already have 1 big blind invested in the pot. For this reason, whenever you are faced with a raise while sitting in the big blind, you will have better pot odds to call than the other positions – think of it as a discount.

Fold When You’re Unsure

Want to know the biggest difference between a bad player and a professional player? It’s the good player’s ability to lay down a good hand like top pair when they think they are beaten.

This sounds very simple, but it is very hard to do in practice partly because of the way our brains are built. We are naturally curious, and we naturally want to win. When we fold, we surrender our chance to win the pot and we don’t get to satisfy our curiosity by finding out what our opponent has.

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